We recently wrapped animating five more episodes of the popular Big Baby series of shorts for Cartoon Network. Don't know when or where they will be airing but this time and don't know how much we can say about it. CN is a little guarded about letting too much information out before its time and of course new Big Baby shorts have been on the forefront of everyone's thoughts for a long time. I can't tell you how many times someone has stopped me on the street saying, "Hey man, when are you doing more Big Babys" or "When are you doing a Big Baby feature, that s#*t is awesome?" or "hey can I have a dollar!" Yes, the streets of New York are brimming with Big Baby fans. And for those of you who think I am talking about the character Big Baby from the last Pixar film Toy Story 3 well, I'm not. Obviously, the folks at Pixar are huge fans of ours and decided to pay tribute to our work. Thank you John Lasseter. We like your work too.
Thanks to all of our crew who worked on the new shorts.
Directors/Writers - David Wachtenheim, Robert Marianetti
Animators - Steve Mead, Mike Wetterhahn, Daniel Bodinof, Jessica Milazzo, David Wachtenheim
Character Designs and Layouts - Sean Latrell
Backgrounds Layouts - Jason Macdonald, Gideon Kendall, Robert Marianetti
Background Painter - Kevin Lacroix
After Effects Artistes - Dale Clowdis, Bryce Jarrett
(apologies if anyone was left out)
Thanks also to the folks at CN:
Creator/ writer - Dave Striepe
Producer - Steve Patrick
Executive Producer - Evan Adler
Sound - Michael Kohler
For those of you who have never seen or heard of Big Baby, here is one of the original seven shorts found on cartoonnetwrok.com
Big Baby: Airplane